• A dawn start at the Stow
  • Dean spodded to the island margin
  • Rigs were kept simple
  • PVA sticks full of attraction were the order of the day
  • Dean kept his baits small
  • A cracking mirror of 24lb 14oz


Macey On The Stow

Dean Macey has been making the odd visit to Walthamstow reservoirs in London recently. Although he initially went there in search of the big bream that the complex holds, he’s actually had a few nice catches of the carp that inhabit the No1 reservoir along the way. “Perhaps my lack of tunnel vision costs me big fish at times, ” Dean told us, “My fishing is all about taking advantage of the chances that come my way, sometimes to the detriment of the species that I’m fishing for. So, I decided to hedge my bets on the No1, by fishing over spod mix at the bottom of the island margin slope, in 8ft of water. I caught two carp over the spod mix before deciding to move onto showing fish during the afternoon.
I moved three times, keeping in touch with the showing fish. I cast little PVA sticks at them, banking three fish in the final 90 minutes of the day. Two were stockies, but the final one was a cracking Walthamstow twenty. I guess thay it just shows that you should keep an open mind about your fishing, making the most of any chances that come your way. I’ll be heading back up to the ‘Stow soon, trying the No2 and 3 ressies for the elusive slabs that they hold. That said, I won’t be too disappointed with a nice autumn carp or two either!”
Dean tackled the venue with 2.75lb Daiwa Infinities coupled with Basia QDX reels loaded with 12lb SUBline. His end tackle featured a Hybrid lead clip, Dark Matter tubing, N-Trap hook link and size-ten Wide Gape Kaptors.