• Once the water starts to cool Pemb tweaks his tactics
  • After being fed a diet of rich baits all summer


Tip of the Day - Pemb Wrighting

"Even though the nights are drawing in and the mornings are getting colder, it's certainly not time to get the scratching gear out just yet.

The fish will be looking to have a final big feed up in the next couple of weeks, before the winter really sets in. By adapting your summer approach slightly you can really cash in on the autumn action.

Instead of fishing in the really shallow water on your local commercial, it's time to drop into the slightly deeper water. The bigger fish definitely come into the margins late in the day still, even with the temperature dropping, but the bigger, wiser ones will be hanging back in the slightly deeper water. Especially after seeing so much bait piled in right next to the near banks/islands all summer.

I also find more natural baits to be the best ones at this time of year. Maggots, casters and other ‘bland’ baits seem to score well at the minute. Maybe it's something to do with the fact they've seen enough of the high-attract and rich baits throughout the summer months? Who knows, but natural baits and lots of them is definitely the way for me.

Don't put the rods away for the winter, get out there and cash in on the big feed up!"